Always mix high vibration oils with high vibration crystals. Mix 1-2 different oils with 1-2 different crystals. Dilute 6-15 drops of oil on 1 TBS carrier oil. Kids (6-12 years) 6 drops on 1 TBS carrier oil for body care.

Crystals should have 6+ hardness like: carnelian, amethyst, smoky quartz, rose quartz, citrine, clear quartz.

Krilian Photography

Crystals Toxicity:

OIL BASED MIX: Organic cold pressed coconut oil in roller bottle.
WATER SPRITZ: Spring water should be used. Put crystal in the bottle and leave it for 3 hours on the sun. Add essential oil.

ROOT CHAKRA – Grounding, Calming, Confidence
Black or Brown crystals: Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline
Oils: Tree oils, Sage, Geranium, Vetiver

SACRAL CHAKRA – Creating and Inspiration
Red or Orange crystals: Tangerine Quartz
Oils: Hyssop, Ginger, Sandalwood, Cypress, Cassia

Blue crystals: blue lace agate
Oils: Fennel, Blue Tansy, Blue Cypress, German Chamomile, Myrtle

THIRD EYE CHAKRA – Clear Thinking
Blue or Purple crystals: Amethyst
Oils: Palo Santo, Carrot Seed, Sandalwood, Cistus, Sacred Frankincense

SOLAR PLEXUS: Energetic and Productive
Yellow crystals: Citrine, Golden Quartz
Citrus oils: Lemongrass, Lemon, Lime, Orange, Peppermint, Kunzea, Copaiba, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ledum

HEART CHAKRA – Release emotions (happy and joy)
Pink or Green Crystals: Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Himalayan Pink Quartz
Floral oils: Rose, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Hinoki, Myrrh, Patchouli

CROWN CHAKRA – Manifest and Connect (Raising Vibration)
Clear Quartz, Himalayan Pink Quartz, Apophyllite, Phenacite, Green Aventurine
Frankincense, Idaho Blue Spruce, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Tea Tree

Blue Spruce 580 MHz
Rose 320 MHz
Frankincense 147 MHz
Lavender 118 MHz
Myrrh 105 MHz
Sandalwood 98 MHz
Peppermint 78 MHz
Basil 52 MHz

>> SUNLIGHT – Set crystals in direct sunlight for 12 hours of charging for best results. There are a few crystals that cannot be exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. These include Aventurine, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Celestite, Citrine, Kunzite, Sapphires, Fluorite, Opal, Quartz, Rose Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Topaz, Turquoise.  Although the charging will still be sufficient, fading colors can result.
>> MOONLIGHT – There are two ways that moonlight charging can be energized, depending on purpose. The ascending moon is related to new beginnings, optimism and hope, whereas the energy of a descending moon is related to those things that we would like to abolish, like reducing debts, negativities and illnesses. A full moon is related to love and abundance. Understanding the phase of ascending and descending moonlight is important for best results.

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